Catholic Culture Overview
Catholic Culture Overview


By Fr. Wilson ( articles ) | Jun 02, 2004

The statement of Mr. David Pence, and his "Ushers of the Eucharist," who knelt in the aisle of St Paul's Cathedral in Archbishop Harry Flynn's Archdiocese to prevent the Rainbow Sash-ayers from approaching for Communion.

"Pentecost Sunday and the Ushers of the Eucharist

We are Catholic laymen devoted to the Eucharist as the center of Catholic life. In our diocese, priests disloyal to the bishop have performed liturgies celebrating disordered sexuality as a form of Christian love. The folks of the rainbow sash have been misled by these wayward priests. The rainbow sash is meant as a public refutation of Church teaching concerning sexual love and the restricted nature of Eucharistic reception. The first sash protesters in Washington DC were met by bishops who safeguarded Christ by refusing them communion. Last year in our own diocese Christ was handed over. Across the country the Eucharist has become a special target of activist homosexuals and pro abortion politicians. As the last vestige of the sacred in a vulgarized culture, reception of the Catholic Eucharist is meant to sanction the taboos of abortion and homosexuality. Catholics are targeted precisely because our Eucharist has a real meaning. No one is breaking into Unitarian services. We are here today as a sign of fraternity with the bishop. Across the country, the authority of Catholic bishops is being challenged at a fundamental level. For years Catholic politicians have disregarded the U. S. bishops' statements about public policy. That is understandable. The authority of the bishops in the Mass however is a very different matter. The bishops are not experts in public policy but they are the legitimate authorities over the Eucharist. Abortion and homosexual acts are grievous offenses against the Body of Christ. To publicly advocate such sins as "human rights" and then demand incorporation in the Body of Christ through communion is a desecration of the Eucharist and an insult to the bishop. Across America our bishops are being cast as helpless eunuchs unable to protect the Eucharist in the face of the crushing secular power of the feminist and homosexual movements. This is a blatant power play by these wealthy, politically powerful and media connected secular movements to seize the Eucharist from the hands of our priests. They remind us of Napoleon crowning himself in mocking defiance of church authority. The homosexual and feminist activists have many friends in the Catholic bureaucracy. Church dissidents have already transformed the mission of many inner city parishes closing schools for the urban poor in order to become celebration centers for middle class narcissists. Like the secular homosexuals who kicked the Boy Scouts out of the urban schools, they have transformed social justice from serving the needy to gratifying their own desires. A significant subculture of homosexual priests and sympathizers lives comfortably in this atmosphere of deceit. Unbeknown to the archbishop, they have encouraged the rainbow sash movement. A white middle class culture of entitlement and dissent pervades our diocese newspaper, the schools and the archdiocesan bureaucracy. The homosexual movement is the most blatant form of this notion that religion is a birthright not a call to conversion and creed. The Church's property, status, and jobs are the targets of these smiling usurpers who have replaced the gospel of Christ with their own self serving theories of pacifism, feminism and gay rights. We come today to place ourselves between Our Lord and those who would desecrate Him in the Eucharist. We also will not receive communion today since our actions may tempt us to a state of anger or pride. We apologize for not asking the priests of the Cathedral for permission to take this action but we do not want to place them in a compromised position with the bishop. The horrendous abuse in the Church was largely caused by the infidelity of homosexual priests and the unwillingness of the bishops to confront and expel them. Today's brazen desecration in the Cathedral by the sash movement shows the corruption continues in our local church. Ushers are Catholic laymen who serve by keeping good order in the Church. Catholic ushers are not just here to collect money. If the mystery of the Eucharist is violated then the mission of the Church is compromised. This is the feast of the Pentecost when the apostles stopped cowering in their hiding place to proclaim the Gospel of Christ. We call the people of the sash to conversion. We call our bishop to be courageous in service of an event larger than all of us -the mystery of the Eucharist.

The Ushers of the Eucharist"

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