Around the blogs today

By ( articles - email ) | Jun 17, 2003

Here's what's new and interesting on Catholic blogs today:

  • Mark Shea offers some cautions (here and here) on the wrong kind of reaction to Bishop O'Brien's arrest.
  • Jeff Miller finds an article in a New Jersey newspaper that profiles Archbishop John Myers and raises the bogeyman of Opus Dei and his "conservatism."
  • Fr. Rob Johansen discusses the document before the US bishops' meeting this week on liturgical dance and then later discusses liturgical dance in relation to the feminization of the Church and liturgy.
  • Mark Sullivan finds a scathing review of an art exhibit at St. Louis University featuring homoerotic of Christ and others by the Jesuit chair of the department of fine arts. Mark provides links to representative works.
  • Greg Popcak defends our own Fr. Wilson from criticism as a "bishop basher," citing circumstances under which the use of invective would be a charitable action. However, his co-blogger isn't buying it or Diogenes' recent explanation. And Bill Cork joins in.

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