Anybody home?
By ( articles ) | Apr 08, 2003
A Milwaukee parish staged a mock-Mass two weeks ago where a sacramentally-vested woman directed the agit-prop as part of a "World Day of Prayer for Women's Ordination." That's only a symptom. Here's the deeper problem:
St. Matthias agreed to host the prayer service, according to pastor Fr. David Cooper, only after consultation with staff members and parishioners. "St. Matthias Parish was only a host for the prayer service," said Cooper. "The parish has no official or unofficial position on the question of the ordination of women."
A parish that has no "official or unofficial position" on defined Catholic doctrine is, for this very reason, not a Catholic parish. Once that fatal step is taken, why should it matter whether the parish provides a podium for Cardinal Ratzinger or a stage for Wicca street theatre?
(Note that the link and quote come from the diocesan newspaper. By a coincidence, one of those gathered for prayer had a camera ready and was able to submit a photo to the editrix.)
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