Catholic Culture News
Catholic Culture News Do whatever He tells you!

Near the very beginning of John’s Gospel, not long after “In the beginning was the Word”, we find ourselves in Cana at a wedding. When the success of the celebration is in jeopardy, we hear Mary say with absolute confidence in her Son:

“Do whatever He tells you.” [Jn 2:5]

And Jesus Christ turns water into wine.

We know that doing what Christ tells us is the key to a good life, a successful life, a salvific life, a life truly to be celebrated. It is also an excellent guide to charitable giving.

We have -$23,074 left to match in our Fall Campaign—can you help?

Of course, the words of Mary that we have chosen as our theme do not mean Our Lord is telling you to support But they do mean it would be appropriate to ask Him and do whatever He tells you. As we continue to expand, and as inflation continues to inflate, we need a slightly larger budget each year.

We want nothing more than to offer the fullness of the Gospel, and to enrich faith, strengthen the Church, and form Catholic culture. But our success depends completely on those we serve—on deeply-committed Catholics like you.

NOTE: You can donate now by credit card, or by check, PayPal, or stock transfer.

Help meet our Fall Challenge

A group of key donors has offered a Challenge Grant of $111,000 to match new gifts made between now and the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th.

Monthly pledges are down because of the way COVID has been handled and the subsequent inflation. Larger Challenge campaigns like this one offer a solution by concentrating fundraising into roughly six weeks in the Spring and six weeks in the Fall.

This means people can donate based on immediate circumstances, knowing that their gifts will be matched.

We hope all of our users will participate, through prayer and financial gifts, in meeting the Challenge!

-$23,074 left to match—can you help?

Why is our budget growing?

Our budget is growing in 2022 because:

  • You guessed it: Inflation.
  • We are continuing to add younger staff to prepare for a new generation of expanded service by increasing our content and shifting the load from our aging founder, Jeff Mirus (who is now 74).
  • So far we have increased our capabilities in customer service, technical oversight and control, podcasting, the presentation of the liturgical year, and overall web and social media development.
  • We continue to operate on our own self-programmed and self-maintained platform, so that we are less vulnerable to ideological restrictions by providers of turnkey systems.
  • In every way we remain committed to independent action and independent support, so that we are limited only by our Catholic Faith, and not by social “cancelling” or by any corporate or governmental interests.

Again, this mission depends entirely on those we serve: Catholics just like you!

Why should you help?

Our effectiveness is not only unparalleld but growing year by year:

  • Our best estimate is that reaches over 15 million Catholics and potential converts each year around the world.
  • The numbers of people we reach has continued to grow steadily this year.
  • We offer daily written news and commentary, inspiring podcasts, and rich spiritual resources to help Catholics “do whatever He tells you” in the effort to renew the Church and the world.
  • Our work is available free of charge, 24-7, and is widely recirculated without charge through blogs, other websites, newspapers, magazines, radio, television, social media and parish bulletins.
  • Our costs are among the lowest in the field: Under 3 cents per year per person served.

But again, this mission depends entirely on those we serve: Catholics just like you!

Other important reasons:

  • We do not ride favorite hobby horses or promote personal agendas. Our mission is to keep Catholics both informed and well-formed, so they can more easily discern and “do whatever He tells you” in their families, parishes and communities; and so they can work courageously and effectively for authentic Catholic renewal.
  • We offer the keys to a robust yet properly-balanced Catholicism. We do not shy away from crises and tough questions, but we do strive each day to think and act in accordance with Our Lord and the mind of the Church.
  • From huge secular cities to rural mission territories, our work helps many to find Christ and the Church for the first time. Meanwhile, most who use our resources deepen their faith and become more active in living it each day.
  • The resources we provide are also prized by priests, deacons and catechists throughout the English-speaking world.

We are trying to “do whatever He tells” us too. Join us in this effort to transform the Church and the world in accordance with Our Lord’s perfect commands.

Give a generous gift—by creditcard, Paypal, check, or stock transfer—that will be matched today!

Thank You!

Thanks for making a part of your life, and a part of your charitable giving. Donations are tax-deductible in the United States

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