Catholic Culture Overview
Catholic Culture Overview
Catholic World News

Boko Haram abducts more Christian girls

October 24, 2014

The Islamist terrorist organization Boko Haram has kidnapped over 60 girls and young women from Christian villages in northeastern Nigeria, according to a CNN report.

The kidnappings occurred just hours after the government of Nigeria had announced a tentative agreement with Boko Haram that supposedly would have ended the terrorist groups' raids.

In April, Boko Haram abducted over 200 girls from a Nigerian school.


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  • Posted by: Defender - Oct. 24, 2014 12:45 PM ET USA

    What is it going to take to motivate a country or two to take action? The UN talks a good game, but does nothing. Of course, the US could do something (seems like a perfect Special Forces operation) but, barring that, another country or two could send some combat units over to take Boko Haram on. One can only imagine what the parents of these girls/women must be feeling.