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Catholic Culture Resources

Resolutions Approved by the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy for 2004

by Confraternity of Catholic Clergy


Resolutions approved by the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy at their July (12-15) 2004 convocation in Chicago at the Best Western Chicago West.

Publisher & Date

Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, July 2004

The following resolutions were approved by the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy at their July (12-15) 2004 convocation in Chicago at the Best Western Chicago West:

1. We commend and support all bishops who courageously insist that Catholic politicians and Catholic voters cannot profane the Holy Eucharist by endorsing, promoting or approving of abortion, euthanasia, or same-sex ‘marriages’ and at the same time receive Holy Communion. In keeping with the recent encyclical of Pope John Paul II, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, and his proclamation of 2005 as the ‘Year of the Holy Eucharist’, we urge our bishops to heed the advice of Cardinals Ratzinger, Arinze and Dulles to inform Catholics (politicians and voters) of their duty to be “in communion” with Church teaching before ‘receiving’ Communion, e.g., to accept the teachings on the sanctity of human life and on the sanctity of marriage, et al.

2. We support all legislation which defends the right to life of all the unborn; that outlaws abortion; and laws which would protect the family and the institution and tradition of marriage as a sacred and permanent union of a man and a woman. Marriage is the fundamental building block of society and religion. Since God is the author of life, of the family and of marriage, no government and no court can redefine and reinvent what the Creator has made.

3. We condemn the secular media’s attack on the Church’s right, freedom and duty to preach the Christian Gospel by using false arguments of separation of Church and State, erroneous claims of irrelevancy or other anti-religious prejudice. We urge all fellow believers to take seriously their personal responsibility before God to vote in accord with the Ten Commandments, the Natural Moral Law and the teachings of Christ.

4. We reaffirm our denunciation of all forms of child abuse and seek the punishment of all perpetrators of such heinous sins. We also support adequate and appropriate levels of justice by victims and condemn the injustice inflicted on those falsely accused and the denial of due process.

5. We extend our prayers and support for all the brave men and women of our military and to their families especially during the ongoing war on terrorism all over the world. We commend to the mercy of God all innocent victims of violence, war and terrorism and pray for all the dead and wounded from any conflict or attack.

Approved July 15, 2004

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