Catholic Culture Podcasts
Catholic Culture Podcasts

Magistra, no (cont.)

By Diogenes ( articles ) | Aug 15, 2004

And even by making the point ((inaccurately) that he usually agrees with the Church, Obey discloses that he actually does not agree with the Church in another, larger sense.

The Church claims to teach with inerrant authority on questions of faith and morals. If you accept that claim-- that is, if you are a faithful Catholic-- it makes no sense to say that you "agree" with the Church's teaching. You might say that you "accept" that teaching, on a question that is otherwise difficult to grasp. But you don't "agree" with an inerrant authority.

Thus you just wouldn't say, for instance: "I agree with the multiplication tables that 6 x 7 = 42." or even "I agree with the map that Main Street crosses Water Street just before the bridge."

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