Catholic Culture Dedication
Catholic Culture Dedication

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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on July 28, 2017.

eNewsletter Subject: The importance of doing God's will

We seem to live in an age in which even many Catholics constantly advocate love without any reference to what love entails. This reduces love to whatever behavior our culture perceives as nice.

But Catholics ought to know better. For one thing, the Biblical Book of Deuteronomy reveals just how mistaken this is. See my latest commentary: On the importance of doing God’s will (contra mundum).

Also in new commentary this week, Phil Lawler highlights two common misconceptions which plague the current pontificate: Quick Hits: Collegiality or resistance; from ‘field hospital’ to long-term care.

We need your support today: We have just four days left to raise $7,300 to meet our Summer bills on schedule. I would appreciate it very much if you could offer a gift for our Summer season right now. Thanks!


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