Catholic Culture Dedication
Catholic Culture Dedication

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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on June 16, 2017.

eNewsletter Subject: The sins of the Church?

Grappling with the alleged “sins of the Church” is very difficult. Too often no distinction is made between the Church as body and bride of Christ and the Church as represented by her individual members, all of whom are sinners.

Keep this in mind as you read Phil Lawler's commentary, No, not every lifestyle is sinful. Is the moral darkness afflicting Fr. James Martin a sin of "the Church" if Martin is aided, abetted and promoted by those in authority?

Or how about Phil's latest Quick Hits: Lay involvement in choosing bishop? Assisted suicide vs. manslaughter; A political prediction. Will the Church be more or less guilty if lay people help to choose bishops?

And then there are prudential and procedural matters, so necessary to avoiding some evils. See The persistent influence of Cardinal Sodano, also by Phil.


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