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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on October 7, 2016.

eNewsletter Subject: Humor: Deep thoughts in a better perspective?

Perhaps the most enjoyable new commentary we posted this week is Fr. Jerry Pokorsky's entertaining reflection on Jewish Humor. Read that before you tackle some of our more somber topics!

For example, on Wednesday I explained why an Episcopalian bishop's acceptance of a crucifix featuring a female “Christ” is a betrayal: Crucified “Christa”: A sign of faith lost.

Recognizing the significance of the concrete nature of Christianity led me to reflect on how the Incarnation thwarts our tendency to make up our own religious ideas. See Christianity as stumbling block: The great scandal of an Incarnational life.

Meanwhile, Thomas Van has chimed in on some critical related themes in Quick Hits: secularism, liturgy, and belief.


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