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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on November 13, 2015.

eNewsletter Subject: So much to think and pray about...

This has been one of those thought-provoking weeks. For example, Pope Francis delivered a major address to the Italian bishop. But I have questions: The Pope on Christian Humanism: To understand, we need concrete applications.

Or again, now Msgr. Charamsa (the practicing homosexual who recently lost his position at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) is voicing grave concerns about a lack of fairness in the Church. See Phil Lawler's commentary: The 'persecution' of Msgr. Charamsa.

Phil is also working on a round-up of useful comments on the recent Synod, including guesses as to what the Pope is likely to write as a follow-up. Not ready in time for this message, it should be posted later this evening.

Meanwhile, Thomas Van reflects deeply on why the human person can find ultimate affirmation and fulfillment only in God. Once you see the philosophical argument, I think you will agree: To know as we are known: Maritain on human subjectivity....

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