Catholic Culture Overview
Catholic Culture Overview

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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on April 14, 2015.

eNewsletter Subject: Anomalies in the News?

So many news stories today seem to involve a basic misperception of reality. This disconnect might be evident in the persons the story is about, or in the tenor of the coverage. The disconnect grows, I think, in direct proportion to the denial of ultimate meaning in our culture.

Anyway, I decided to highlight some examples, drawn from our own very recent news stories, in On the Culture: Buenos Aires, Moscow, the Vatican, and Baghdad: News without change?

Phil Lawler noticed another one in City Gates. See: Don't call Patricia Jannuzzi's reinstatement a victory.

Meanwhile, we've added three interesting items from Pope Francis to our library: First, we have the full English text now of the interview Pope Francis gave to a Mexican journalist in March: Two Years into His Pontificate....

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