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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on August 26, 2014.

eNewsletter Subject: Black Mass Thwarted in Oklahoma City

It seems the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City has been successful in thwarting a Black Mass scheduled there for September. How they did it is also of interest. See my latest On the Culture: A lesson in prudence: Stopping the Black Mass in Oklahoma City.

Less hopefully, it also seems that large numbers of former Catholics are formally leaving the Catholic Church in Germany. Most have long since left in spirit, so why the change? Phil Lawler explains: The real reason why divorced/remarried German Catholics are leaving the Church.

Some Housekeeping

I have two “housekeeping” notes today. First, I am happy to announce that the sixth and final volume of our current liturgical year series is now available. These are free ebooks which contain all the liturgical day information on our site in a handier form: 2013-2014 Liturgical Year Volume 6 Released....

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