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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on May 14, 2013.

eNewsletter Subject: The Riches of the Church

Sometimes I am astonished by the spiritual riches of the Church, not least in her innumerable holy men and women down through the centuries.

In the present, despite the many problems the Church faces, she is still growing in Asia and Africa. And while the number of religious continues to decline rapidly, the priesthood has been making a modest comeback. See the latest statistics.

This actually ties in with much that I've been saying lately about the progress of renewal. The Church is reviving, but too many religious orders are still way behind the spiritual curve. See my latest City Gates item for some related connections: Pope Francis: Counter-Cultural?

Pope Francis himself is, of course, a rich gift to the Church. How appropriate, then, that he has just preached on the ideology of poverty, as opposed to the riches of true charity. Surely this calls for meditation!...

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