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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on February 5, 2013.

eNewsletter Subject: Best of Times, Worst of Times

Phil Lawler has, with detailed knowledge, been waiting a long time for the buck to stop with the American bishops. So Phil was elated when Archbishop Gomez stripped Cardinal Mahony of his ecclesial responsibilities in Los Angeles.

See: At last an American prelate addresses the real problem in the sex-abuse scandal.

This is an important step in owning responsibility for the scandal. I try to explain why in Cardinal Mahony's Therapeutic Excuses. But there are many related considerations which color our judgment. I enumerate a dozen of these in Sexual Abuse: Confusing Circumstances, Same Conclusion.

So we have a step forward in the Church, but Western society as a whole continues to drift. Legislatures in two nations approved same-sex marriage in the last few days:...

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