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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on January 15, 2013.

eNewsletter Subject: Many People, Many Groups, Many Gifts

The need to cultivate our own unique gifts must be accompanied by an acknowledgement of the gifts of others. This statement too often twists like a knife not only in human souls but in non-profit organizations and advocacy groups. It is too close to admitting we are not indispensable!

Nonetheless, credit where credit is due. Ignatius Press, for example, has long done wonderful Catholic work, and we find ourselves acknowledging that work in two ways this week:

There is good reason to connect our users with the work of others, if only because there is more than enough Catholic work to go around. As an example of the growing problems we face, consider this news story: Connecticut nominee moves toward supreme court seat despite charge of anti-Catholicism.

Along the same lines, today I received a scurrilous postcard which attempted to link Pope Benedict, infallibility, and the Church's opposition to contraception with sex abuse. I hope you've been spared. It isn't those who live the Church's teachings who are guilty, but those who don't....

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