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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on October 19, 2012.

eNewsletter Subject: Living the Year of Faith

It is now over a week since the Year of Faith began. For many of us, this will mean we haven't done anything about it yet. It is certainly not too late! See our latest In Depth Analysis: Living the Year of Faith: How Pope Benedict Wants You to Begin.

In this connection, I was happy to see the International Theological Commission pledge to participate as a group in the Year of Faith. The ITC, which serves as a model for theological inquiry in the Church, also presented a document explaining the theologian's role in building up the faith of the Church: Theologian Should Be Attentive to What the Spirit Is Saying.

As I've already mentioned, the current Synod on the New Evangelization corresponds to the opening of the Year of Faith. I'm very hopeful that this Synod will be a momentous one. See my latest On the Culture essay: The Synod on New Evangelization: An Opportunity.

I based my analysis on the instrumentum laboris, but Cardinal Wuerl has already summarized the preliminary discussions at the Synod in preparation for starting work on specific questions. You'll find his summary linked at the end of our Catholic World News story....

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