Catholic Culture News
Catholic Culture News

Go ahead, punk. Make my point.

By Diogenes ( articles ) | Nov 14, 2004

Both NARAL and NOW had issued statements back in 2003 lambasting the double-murder charge in the Laci/Conner Peterson case, arguing that, if you called intentionally killing a fetus "murder," why that would mean ... that necessarily entails ... that might lead to ... consequences they'd rather not contemplate. So I checked out their websites for post-conviction analysis. Nada. I think they understand they're stuck with a loser here.

Still, they haven't lost their folksy touch, incorporating an Ask Genny column for puzzled teens ("What do I say to my anti-choice peers?") that exemplifies the best educational traditions of the Movement:

Badly needed funding is only available for schools that vow to only discuss condoms in the context of their failure rates, even though condoms are proven to protect against sexually transmitted infections and prevent pregnancy, whereas abstinence-only programs are not.

Clear, I hope? "Vow" is a nice touch.

Taking a cue from the DNC crowd, the D&C folks are turning to young artists who share their view of the dignity and vocation of women to do what they do best: cortical tissue evacuation:

NARAL Pro-Choice America and have teamed up to fight the Bush Administration's aggressive efforts to put government into our private lives - and to let young people know what they can do to stop them from rolling back our rights. is a voter education organization that includes the nation's largest punk bands uniting to expose the Bush Administration's record on issues important to progressive younger voters. includes Green Day, Foo Fighters, Get Up Kids, NOFX, and hundreds of other musicians and record labels.

Astonishing -- and so serendipitous, when you stop to think about it. We even see Kate Michelman snuggling up to some (suspiciously suburbanite) anarchists with a highly developed concern for strengthening the political franchise. Do it, punk.

dead to shame

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