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Catholic Activity: Open Your Hearts and Your Home



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In order to sanctify our daily lives, we must invite God into our homes and create an atmosphere in which our children will naturally be impelled to love Him.


Is there a place for God in your home? Have you thought about His actual, living presence there? Have you made Him welcome?

Whether you live in a castle or a trailer, you can find suitable accommodations for God in your home. In Bethlehem He passed by the homes of the wealthy and the inn of the town, and chose instead to be born to Mary and Joseph in a stable. He asks of you only what He asked of them.

The manner of His birth holds a message for all humanity. He is not concerned about material things as such. He cares more for a welcome in the human heart. If you, as parents, open your hearts to God, you thereby bring Him into your home as a loving Protector. You give your children the incomparable opportunity of growing up with Him.

Activity Source: From Stroller to School, Parent-Educator Series 2, Leaflets 13-24, Three to Six Years by Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, 1962